In this 3-part series, you will learn from Trauma Therapists on how trauma can affect your child, as well as how your own trauma may affect your parenting style. This series begins with this course as an introduction to family support and interventions.  Whether you are a new parent, single parent, foster parent or grandparent, this educational series will provide you with the most current literature, tips and resources to help the little people in your life.   In this introduction, you will learn from two Licensed Mental Health Therapists on the different evidence-based interventions for caregivers and their families. Presenters:  Jennifer Thayer, LMSW & Zoe Compton, LMSW Session 1:   Family Based Intervention Models Introduction Outcomes will include: Explain your role in your child’s therapy Recognize the various modalities of family-based interventions Understand the value of evidence-based family groups for providing a safe place for therapy Presenter:  Jenny Hoggatt, LMSW Session 2:   Trauma 101 Objectives: Define and create common language  What trauma does to our body in development Talking about the way this displays throughout the lifespan  Presenter:  Amanda Luteran, LPC Session 3:  Trauma throughout family generations Objectives: How childhood trauma affects us in adulthood. What is Intergenerational trauma and why does it happen. Stopping the cycle; self-care. Read more

This course has been approved for 1 Hour of Social Work CEUs and CDTS/Children's Credit.   In this comprehensive course informed by CBT-E, participants will explore methods to promote setting healthy and kind goals. Including ways to effectively set goals to increased activity levels and reduce negative cognitions related to body image. Participants relationship with food will be explored through mindful eating activities and psychoeducation related to nutrition. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, participants will learn how to integrate mindfulness into their daily routines to foster a healthier relationship with food, physical activity, and body image.  Read more

Training Delivery Format = Live, Virtual (Synchronous). This is a live, virtual training event).Implicit bias is described as prejudices that unknowingly influence thinking and reaction to events and information. Implicit Bias negatively impacts the way people are treated by health professionals and the structural inequities in healthcare can be detrimental for people of color and other members of marginalized communities including those we support through Easterseals MORC.   As Easterseals MORC is committed to being the best and maximizing potential for those we support it is essential for us to engage in this inclusive experience and engaging learning experience. This three hour live/online instructor-led Implicit Bias Training includes large group discussions, interactive breakout rooms, challenging videos, and self-assessments. This course meets the requirements associated with Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Rule 338.7001 (c). This course is approved by the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative. 3 CEU Hours. Approval #MICE 012218.  Upon purchase, you will be able to select and register for your live session by returning to your LearnUpon Dashboard, find this course you are enrolled in, and start/launch the course to select your preferred date.  You will receive confirmation/join link via email upon your date and time selection. Read more

Training Delivery Format = Live, Virtual (Synchronous). This is a live, virtual training event).Implicit bias is described as prejudices that unknowingly influence thinking and reaction to events and information. Implicit Bias negatively impacts the way people are treated by health professionals and the structural inequities in healthcare can be detrimental for people of color and other members of marginalized communities including those we support through Easterseals MORC.   As Easterseals MORC is committed to being the best and maximizing potential for those we support it is essential for us to engage in this inclusive experience and engaging learning experience. This three hour live/online instructor-led Implicit Bias Training includes large group discussions, interactive breakout rooms, challenging videos, and self-assessments. This course meets the requirements associated with Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Rule 338.7001 (c). This course is approved by the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative. 3 CEU Hours. Approval #MICE 012218.  Upon purchase, you will be able to select and register for your live session by returning to your LearnUpon Dashboard, find this course you are enrolled in, and start/launch the course to select your preferred date.  You will receive confirmation/join link via email upon your date and time selection. Read more

Pain Managment: Empathize Don’t Internalize:  Staying the Right Size in the Face of Demands Training Delivery Format = Live, Virtual (Synchronous). This two-hour course will discuss the topics of Natural Pain Management and Self-Care for Social Workers experiencing Compassion Fatigue and its related stressors and symptoms on both the individual and organizational levels. A full examination will be given to defining compassion fatigue and its prevalence amongst Healthcare Professionals and Social Workers. Learners will be provided with detailed information regarding the associated stress response on the body and the mind as a result of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout. Subsequent lecture and discussion will include both proactive and reactive strategies to prevent and lessen the formation of Compassion Fatigue leading to improved individual and relational well-being. This workshop is highly interactive including Zoom breakout rooms for small group discussions, self-care assessments, and large-group discussions.  This course is approved by the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative. 2 CEU Hours. Approval #MICE 012218​. This training meets the Social Worker requirement for 2 hours of pain and pain symptom management.  Upon purchase, you will be able to select and register for your live session by returning to your LearnUpon Dashboard, find this course you are enrolled in, and start/launch the course to select your preferred date.  You will receive confirmation/join link via email upon your date and time selection. Read more

Pain Managment: Empathize Don’t Internalize:  Staying the Right Size in the Face of Demands Training Delivery Format = Live, Virtual (Synchronous). This two-hour course will discuss the topics of Natural Pain Management and Self-Care for Social Workers experiencing Compassion Fatigue and its related stressors and symptoms on both the individual and organizational levels. A full examination will be given to defining compassion fatigue and its prevalence amongst Healthcare Professionals and Social Workers. Learners will be provided with detailed information regarding the associated stress response on the body and the mind as a result of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout. Subsequent lecture and discussion will include both proactive and reactive strategies to prevent and lessen the formation of Compassion Fatigue leading to improved individual and relational well-being. This workshop is highly interactive including Zoom breakout rooms for small group discussions, self-care assessments, and large-group discussions.  This course is approved by the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative. 2 CEU Hours. Approval #MICE 012218​. This training meets the Social Worker requirement for 2 hours of pain and pain symptom management.  Upon purchase, you will be able to select and register for your live session by returning to your LearnUpon Dashboard, find this course you are enrolled in, and start/launch the course to select your preferred date.  You will receive confirmation/join link via email upon your date and time selection. Read more

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