Training Delivery Format = On Demand (Asynchronous). Implicit bias is described as prejudices that unknowingly influence thinking and reaction to events and information. Implicit Bias negatively impacts the way people are treated by health professionals and the structural inequities in healthcare can be detrimental for people of color and other members of marginalized communities including those we support through Easterseals MORC. As Easterseals MORC is committed to being the best and maximizing potential for those we support it is essential for us to engage in this inclusive experience and engaging learning experience. This two hour On-Demand Implicit Bias Training includes interactive components, thought-provoking videos, and self-assessments. This course meets the requirements associated with Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Rule 338.7001 (c). This course is approved by the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative. 2 CEU Hours. Approval #MICE 012218. Upon purchase you will be enrolled in the course and can take the course by returning to your LearnUpon Dashboard. Upon completion of the course survey, you will receive your certificate and our LearnUpon system will remind you in two years via email of enrollment to consider us for your renewal needs. Read more
Training Delivery Format = Online/On Demand (ASynchronous). This course is primarily designed for clinicians. The Golden Thread The Golden Thread is a term that represent the linking of all the concepts in medical record documentation. Each piece of documentation flow’s logically form one to another such that someone reviewing the record can see the logical progression and understand the story that is being told about the individual’s treatment and progress. Assessment: must identify the critical clinical needs of the individual based on their presentation and history. IPOS: must reflect Goals and Objective that address the concerns of the individual identified in the assessment. Using the words or quotes form the person or guardian. This is done by developing measurable, attainable goals and objectives that provide the opportunity for the individual to actively focus on the needs reflected in their assessment in a targeted manner. The treatment plan must have coherent and cohesive in order to establish medical necessity. Progress notes: must flow from the treatment plan by reflecting progress toward the identified goals and objectives and the individuals response to treatment as well as describing services that are authorized in the plan. Progress Notes tie to the treatment plan reviews and assessment updates which review the progress described in the notes at a particular time, reiterate needs and goals, and establish the continuing need for services.The treatment plans may need to be updated as a result of the treatment plan review of the assessment update if new issues and new strategies are identified and developed with the individual. The Golden Thread weaves through our service to the individuals we support as it represents the linking of the concepts in Medical Record documentation. This course is designed to improve your clinical documentation, achieve the standards that lead to the Gold Thread through your assessments, IPOS developments, progress notes, and periodic reviews. The concepts of Medical Necessity and Medicaid Waste and Abuse are included. Course Length is 1 hour and is approved for 1 Social Work CE. Read more
This bundle includes courses associated with the Easterseals MORC Direct Support Professional Curriculum. All courses have been vetted and meet the Statewide Training Guidelines in Michigan. 17% discount when purchased in this bundle. Below is a list of the trainings associated with this bundle: 01 Introduction to Human Services 02 Bloodborne Pathogen 03 *Working with People 04 Emergency Preparedness 05 Nutrition & Food Safety 06 Cultural Competency 07 Health 08 Limited English Proficiency 09 Documentation Basics 10 Due Process 11 Medications * Working with People is the only course in the bundle that includes approved Social Work CEUs. Read more
Training Delivery Format = Online/On Demand (Asynchronous). This course will enhance your skills to ask direct questions, demonstrate and verbalize safe responses to a suicide crisis situation, know resources within the community for suicide prevention. After taking this MORC Training course the learner can now recognize the serious risk potential when individuals verbalize suicidal threats. Learners are also provided with an extensive list of resources on how to react to and support individuals expressing suicidal ideation. Read more
Training Delivery Format = Online/On Demand (Asynchronous). Substance User Disorder (SUD) is a condition that affects millions of people living in the U.S. today. Individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities experience substance abuse at a higher rate. Guiding and mentoring the individuals we support to healthy connections with family, friends, and the community is one of the best tools to overcoming an SUD. Learners will be provided with valuable information regarding risk factors, signs and symptoms, commonly abused substances, plus screening and treatment for SUD to effectively encourage and support those with Substance Use Disorder to live a healthy lifestyle. Read more
Training Delivery Format = Online/On Demand (Asynchronous). Course Objectives Recognize the right of individuals receiving services to appeal adverse benefit determinations, or file a grievance regarding their services. " Recognize the requirements to notify individuals of their appeal rights. Identify routes available to appeal adverse benefit determinations. Understand what Due Process is. Read more
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